The Youngpap blog has been receiving a lot of attention from the net recently. I must say it seems that most of the stuff they receive is flak. Nevertheless they are showing the testicular fortitude to stick it in. Well i will give them that; and nothing else.
The interesting thing is that these fellas seem to speak as if they are ministers from the government. When one tries to talk to them one gets the feeling that one is trying to talk to some fella at the ministry. In fact i must say they have mastered the logic of the lightning bolt very very well.
" would urge all young Singaporeans to read "A Little Red Dot" (MFA), "HeartWare"(EDB) and MM's memoirs. Having read these books, I begin to realised that Singapore is PAP and PAP is Singapore. There is no doubt about it."
I have no idea where the thing Singapore is PAP and PAP is singapore comes from. PAP is a political party ( as the men in white have always stressed, thus justifying the withholding of upgrading funds from Hougang and Potong Pasir). Perhaps the "young" dunno what the old is saying. Furthermore, to add some anecdotal evidence, I have read Mr Lee Kuan Yew's Memoirs and I do not think PAP is Singapore. Perhaps its because the fella is using elite logic, to that i must say, catch no ball.
"This voice has neither the fighting spirit nor right attitude. This voice is the voice that 33.4% of our fellow Singaporeans voted for to represent them in parliament."
So once again the opposition receives flak. No fighting spirit. Heh...our fren must have forgotten the many MPs who entered parliament without a baptism of fire or with some Minister to cover them in the GRC.
"One cannot claim that he is a taxpayer and should benefit from the likes of those in a PAP constituency when he voted for the opposition. "
Then one might as well not pay taxes or not serve NS, since the Ministry of NATIONAL development doesnt give two hoots about ur flat?
"are you criticizing because you honestly do not believe that the Ministers are entitled to a pay increase or is it because you are simply envious?"
This was said by the nicholas fella. A litigation lawyer. I am amazed that he feels the need to resort to ad hominem attacks. Perhaps he is learning the character assassination trick.
"Ministerial pay increments will pale in comparison to the prosperities and fortunes Singapore will be able to bring to its people. Because then, the man on their street will get his pay raise too. "
This statement is funny. Apparently the reader does not know that many singaporeans have seen their income stagnate in the past years. It was even featured in the ST. But ignore this. Assume that Singapore GDP grows again; will the proverbial "Man in the Street" necessarily benefit? Of course not! He will only benefit if his sector is expanding. If its not, at best he will get the same income, worst if his sector is being outsourced than he loses his job.
"Also, you talk about Public Service, who do You want in Public Service? A simple teacher or taxi driver to serve You and Me? Or someone who has the foresight and acumen, and of strong moral standing to take us into the future?"
Hoho...more "get out of my elite uncaring face" crap. Since they are oh so intellectually superior i guess they should read up on Chinese History. Liu Bang and Zhu Yuan Zhang were peasant and beggar respectively, yet both became the first Emperors of the Han and Ming dynasty.
"I can’t see why some forumers in our local chatrooms are questioning Ministerial pay rises and pegging our Minister’s pay to those in other countries."
Then i also cant see why Singapore always seeks to become the "Paris of the East" or have a "swiss" standard of living.
The latest post on that blog is regarding servant leadership. I guess its one of the sensible stuff that has come out of that blog for some time yet. However i find it ironic when the person uses the quote and hopes to see it in action in Singapore's context. Im afraid that i must be cynical in this regard as i dun believe that servant leadership is in fashion among our leaders. After all the mantra is that for our leaders to be our leaders, they do need to be paid more than the current 1.2 million. However for all u know, they may have defined servant leadership as being servant to money. Now that put things in perspective.