Ode to Ben and Kit
" For ever, and for ever, farewell, Cassius!If we do meet again, why, we shall smile;If not, why, then, this parting was well made"
Ben and Kitana have been the "main stay" of the blogosphere for quite a long time. If one's attention is diverted to the links one can find their blogs on it. However if one is not mistaken then Ben's blog (1MoreSG) was taken down a week ago and Kitana has just announced the closure of her blog. http://kitana.wordpress.com/
Though this one cannot conclude that the withdrawal was due to the accumulation of much pent up anger and bitterness over the way things have been going on, the way people like to slam the label ingrate whenever one does not share the view espoused by the men in white, the way some fellas like to go " my way or the high way (or your mother become maid)!!! inter alia.
But one is rambling...anyway this one would miss Ben's blog for it is mind boggling in the extreme and requires many many rereads. In fact the last few posts became more and more confusing and the brain had to recharge for some time. Nevertheless Ben's blog has been a rather interesting read and hopefully he will pop up in the net and give his two percent worth.
With regards to Kitana, though she doesn't always have the cheemness of the aforementioned Ben's blog, this in no way detracts from the beauty of the posts. While Ben's blog is often an exercise of mental power, Kitana's posts are more of a personal view of how she sees things. In fact it is rather easy to relate to her as this one also happens to be a pessimist and idealist depending on the time of the day/month/...
And so the blogosphere changes again. Even the Legal Janitor seems to be in semi retirement. This one remembers talking about this to Aaron and he told this one its ok as there will be others who will take up the swords of those who have gone. There is merit to what he says but as this one is a sentimental fella this one will still feel sad that the pillars of yesterday have disappeared. Ah well.
" The bloggers three have vanished as if in a dream, this useless misery is the blogosphere's to grieve"
The third blogger is Gayle.
*Update: I just found out that Zyberzitizen is also retiring from the blogosphere. This is rather sad; however read his post carefully and one will find that hope still remains in Pandora's box.
" For ever, and for ever, farewell, Cassius!If we do meet again, why, we shall smile;If not, why, then, this parting was well made"
Ben and Kitana have been the "main stay" of the blogosphere for quite a long time. If one's attention is diverted to the links one can find their blogs on it. However if one is not mistaken then Ben's blog (1MoreSG) was taken down a week ago and Kitana has just announced the closure of her blog. http://kitana.wordpress.com/
Though this one cannot conclude that the withdrawal was due to the accumulation of much pent up anger and bitterness over the way things have been going on, the way people like to slam the label ingrate whenever one does not share the view espoused by the men in white, the way some fellas like to go " my way or the high way (or your mother become maid)!!! inter alia.
But one is rambling...anyway this one would miss Ben's blog for it is mind boggling in the extreme and requires many many rereads. In fact the last few posts became more and more confusing and the brain had to recharge for some time. Nevertheless Ben's blog has been a rather interesting read and hopefully he will pop up in the net and give his two percent worth.
With regards to Kitana, though she doesn't always have the cheemness of the aforementioned Ben's blog, this in no way detracts from the beauty of the posts. While Ben's blog is often an exercise of mental power, Kitana's posts are more of a personal view of how she sees things. In fact it is rather easy to relate to her as this one also happens to be a pessimist and idealist depending on the time of the day/month/...
And so the blogosphere changes again. Even the Legal Janitor seems to be in semi retirement. This one remembers talking about this to Aaron and he told this one its ok as there will be others who will take up the swords of those who have gone. There is merit to what he says but as this one is a sentimental fella this one will still feel sad that the pillars of yesterday have disappeared. Ah well.
" The bloggers three have vanished as if in a dream, this useless misery is the blogosphere's to grieve"
The third blogger is Gayle.
*Update: I just found out that Zyberzitizen is also retiring from the blogosphere. This is rather sad; however read his post carefully and one will find that hope still remains in Pandora's box.
At 9:20 PM ,
nofearSingapore said...
I suppose all 3 three their own reasons.
But remember...
SZ-17 years
CTP-32 years?
Mandela- more than CTP's.
I suppose the govt is sitting back ( and laughing)
and counting how many more will fold up. Perseverance is not one of modern Singaporeans' better traits!
At 12:41 AM ,
Ned Stark said...
Well Dr let them laugh. There are many more who will come to take up the swords that are left. Change is the only constant and while this one is a sentimental fella, from a practical point of view the fact that the blogosphere changes puts it in a better light then zheng hu, who tends not to change the basic fundamentals " MY way or ur mom becomes maid!"
At 6:44 AM ,
Lucky Tan said...
At this rate, we will only have the Straits Times and YPAP blog to shape our thoughts. You know what reading the Straits Times for 2 decades does to you?... The 60 year old living in the flat next to me thinks the PAP is great...she looks forward to her next progress package.
Just like the MM, they have longevity, they outlive their critics so they will be the only ones talking....
To win, the only thing you need to do is last longer.
At 8:03 PM ,
Ned Stark said...
Hullo Lucky Tan, thanks for dropping by. While i agree that longevity is good change is also necessary to move through the times. While i am sad that i wont be reading Gayle, Ben and Kitana Blog now, their departure would allow other people to take their place. It is something i feel the ruling party has not been able to do because of one rather obvious reason and this could restrict the new guys as they are living in the said reason's shadow
At 4:04 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Ned Stark:
"their departure would allow other people to take their place."
Would "allow" but not necessarily "necessitate". - IrCTP
At 4:35 PM ,
Ned Stark said...
Indeed. However since the blogosphere is such a big area and there are many people out there who blog regularly on such issues, there is a possibility that one will be able to find an alternate "favourite blogger" soon.
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