Winter is Coming

"The Kingsguard do not run. Then or now. We swore a vow." "Jiang Wei ran to and fro slaying all he met till another heart spasm seized him,' Failed!' he shrieked,'but it is the will of Heaven.'He put an end to his own life" Romance of the Three Kingdoms "If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look him into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die." Ned Stark

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Man from the Moon?

  • I think this writer lives on the moon!

  • Ah well, i guess once in a while the ST has to resort to such letters to remind us "ingrates" that everything is well and we should just STFU and cram ourselves in them MRTs and get on with the never ending rat race.

    I find it rather interesting that he feels that he is living a life free of stress. And here I thought Doctors lives are rather stressful. Perhaps he could be one of the lucky few who are earning big bucks, one of them medical directors. I wonder what other doctors will say when such a situation is put to them.

    "The younger leadership and its style of governance is the main draw"

    I find this interesting because in so far as the younger leadership is concerned, all i have seen is cheerleading. So perhaps their style of governance involves cheerleading? Or yes, now i do recall that their style of governance doesnt come cheap, they are worth every dollar and those who do not believe so are nothing but green eyed monsters, so i guess that makes me a green eyed fellow too.

    There are many more things to pick from the letter. It goes against common knowledge, for it is known for a fact that Singapore has one of the most miserable populace in the world (there was some sort of test conducted, but i do not have it with me now.) In fact its believed that its the stressful lifestyle of Singaporeans that has contributed to the sorry state of affairs, and this could have played a part in Singaporeans having less sex and thus less babies and so on so forth because of career stresses. These are definitely bread and butter issues, but here the Dr says,

    "I am able to mix work, pleasure, family life and community work without worrying about bread-and-butter issues. "

    Of course as said earlier, he could be one of the more successful doctors. While he is entitled to his view, and it being fair as he is speaking from his POV, the fact that ST is publishing it shows that they are on the "Singapore BOLEH, anyone who says otherwise is an ingrate" kind of mode. Just months ago several foreigners were interviewed and all sang praises of Singapore. History has shown that the ST, after any controversial issue, will start to publish such letters or articles.

    Anyway with regards to the point the good doctor made, I must add that he is rather lucky. I know my folks worry about bread and butter issues and I guess a majority of Singaporeans worry too.

    And to add more flavour to this pseudo ST conspiracy, the last sentence is rather telling,

    "I was able to drop my foreign citizenship for a Singaporean one with a clear conscience."

    Now did not someone talk about leaving Singapore with a CLEAR CONSCIENCE? IS this mere coincidence or too much of a coincidence?


    • At 3:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

      Maybe you are right about ST. But maybe you should cut the letter writer some slack. He might not have been from the moon, he might have been from Malaysia.

      We have heard enough about their brain drain lost through affirmative action.

      But the 'clear conscience' wording does sound rather suspicious. I am willing to believe that if the writer chose these exact words, he might intended it to add a bit of satire :)

    • At 10:04 PM , Blogger Ned Stark said...

      Indeed. I did intend to give them some slack. Unfortunately their tendency to publish certain stuff does get to a person.

      Anyway i will be moving my "operations" to wordpress. Blogger creating problems. Perhaps the men in white are on to this site:P

    • At 6:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

      Indeed ST can be really trying for anyone's patience. But at least they published A/P Victor Ramraj's antidote to his colleague's (Yvonne Lee) piece.

      You had problems with Blogger too? Me too. I thought it was my ISP, Singnet, as I could access it in school. Gave up commenting on some blogs hosted by it because of that. Hell, I was thinking of not posting on my own!

      Saw your old posts transplanted to Wordpress. Hope to see new ones :)



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