Winter is Coming

"The Kingsguard do not run. Then or now. We swore a vow." "Jiang Wei ran to and fro slaying all he met till another heart spasm seized him,' Failed!' he shrieked,'but it is the will of Heaven.'He put an end to his own life" Romance of the Three Kingdoms "If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look him into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die." Ned Stark

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Random Thoughts

The Straits times is a buz with many stuff these few days, we have people acting self righteously and pointing a finger at others for not being courteous, we have people criticising people who are unhappy, we have big wigs telling us to get out of their uncaring faces, we have people telling us the job market is on the mend, we have people telling us things like locals will be treated better than foreigners ( doesnt that happen in most countries???) and so on...

But what inspires my random thoughts is the issue of CPF. Currently a singaporean worker has to contribute 20 percent of his pay to this CPF, a kind of savings scheme designed to ensure that singaporeans have money when they are old. I am not very familiar with CPF, apparently u cant draw ur money unless u are:
1) buying a house
2) above a certain age
3) healthcare...go check wikipedia...

anyway, these scheme has been criticised (both on the net and in the RARE letter to the Straits times forum...), and i dun have much idea ...but i will now exercise my right to expression (note the absence of the word FREE?) and give my two percent worth...

1st percent:

There is now talk of reducing the contribution for low income groups. This in itself is a good move. Imagine earning 1080 a mth (6 per hr). Then with 20 percent deduction, the poor fella takes back only 864. Minus all the payments and he gets little to spend. So u reduce his contribution.
However, remember this CPF is for u to pay for ur old age too. So what happens when u do reach old age or get retrenched and are unable to get a job, then u have less money in ur CPF. Remember the "revelation" that CPF is not enough for old age? in such a situation wont the poor fella be in a worst position once he is in old age?
Yes...there are those who say there is workfare....but remember the article where the 40 yr olds and above cant get a employed? and since there is no welfare....what will happen?

2nd percent:

Then there is this thing about the conditions whereby one can draw money. Apparently the conditions are defined rather narrowly ( according to the few letters in the forum) . Then remember that this CPF has 20 percent of ur hard earned cash. What if (touch wood) u are "called home by God" without meeting the prerequisites to draw money? then u dun get to enjoy the fruits of ur labour!!!!!

Anyway thats my RANDOM THOUGHTS on the its not one matter where i have done much homework on i cant vouch for the accuracy of some if any of u know better pls tell me...thank u

Monday, December 18, 2006

Singapore Riddles

Below are several quotes with regards to some speeches made by a politician. Please try to guess who made them;

"If you believe in democracy, you must believe in it unconditionally. If you believe that men should be free, then, they should have the right of free association, of free speech, of free publication. Then, no law should permit those democratic processes to be set at nought, and no excuse, whether of security, should allow a government to be deterred from doing what it knows to be right, and what it must know to be right... "

Repression, Sir, is a habit that grows. I am told it is like making love - it is always easier the second time! The first time there may be pangs of conscience, a sense of guilt. But once embarked on this course with constant repetition you get more and more brazen in the attack.All you have to do is to dissolve organizations and societies and banish and detain the key political workers in these societies. Then miraculously everything is tranquil on the surface. Then an intimidated press and the government-controlled radio together can regularly sing your praises, and slowly and steadily the people are made to forget the evil things that have already been done, or if these things are referred to again they're conveniently distorted and distorted with impunity, because there will be no opposition to contradict."

Now a little hint. These speeches were not made by Steve Chia, Chiam See Tong, Low Thia Kiang, Chee Soon Juan or JBJ...

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Random Thoughts
"My personal view is, our land is expensive. But we have nearby neighbours in Johore, Batam and Bintan. The elderly want to reach their doctors within half to one hour. So retirement villages in neighbouring countries is possible, barring the cross-border hassle. It is best to find cheap land on short leases," said Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan. ChannelNewsAsia

Ho shit...i cant believe Health Minister actually said that. For those who are confused by what the fuck he said....i can summarise it as this;

Basically, according to our dear health minister, since land is ex, it is better to have retirement villages in other countries. For the record, he said that during the GE of 2006.

It is ironic that singaporeans are condemned as ungrateful, while a glance at the above shows otherwise. After wasting 2 yrs of my life working for some fat arsehole or some other self impt pricks advance their careers, losing my jobs to foreigners because of reservist shit, getting my ass taxed over and over...and have to endure accusations by civil servants, their family members, the press of how ungrateful i am...i will get kicked to some village in a land not of my birth. So who is the ingrate now? The average citizen of singapore who is expected to give everything to his Company? Or the organisation who tramples on him and then goes on to repay his efforts by sticking him in another place not of his soil?