Of Elitism and other MattersSince what i call the Wee Issue has become blown up.. perhaps there needs to be a few posts on the issue....
Instead of going back to the crux of the issue...which is her insensitive and high handed derogatory remarks about a certain Mr Derek Wee, i shall look at the aftermath (up till this point in time) of the issue, which as u all no doubt know (or if u dunno now u know) is the Article in the straits times where her father was interviewed.
Firstly, his claim that "her basic point is reasonable, that is, that a well-educated university graduate who works for a multinational company should not be bemoaning about the Government and get on with the challenges in life" is astoundingly illogical. What constitutes bemoaning of the govt? Are we back to the point where u can criticise the government only if u have an alternative solution? Furthermore, such a statement is an erroneous portrayal of what Mr Derek was trying to say...from what i saw Mr Derek was merely highlighting the plight of the average singaporean in these uncertain times...so what is wrong with that? In fact i feel that such an action conforms with the Courtesy Campaign and our society needs such concerned people who are willing to highlight the plight of the less fortunate...of course i am NOT a SCHOLAR nor a member of the ELITE...so perhaps they are thinking on a different level ....
Secondly, he states that his daughter's privacy has been violated. The sentence in question goes something like "she wrote in a private blog and I feel that her privacy has been violated"...if u all recall...two BLOGGERS got into trouble with putting racists remarks on their blogs...so unless u put a password ...the word privacy and blog do not go hand in hand...no matter if ur a racist blogger, a member of the establishment or just an average joe…or maybe average sam seng ….u are accountable for what u post in the blog, as the case of blogger char and some others has shown. So there is no use talking about privacy being violated if precedence shows that there aint such a thing in this country…speaking of which I do recall that Singapore Law has no provision for privacy so if ur privacy is violated in Singapore u just do as they say in the army….lan lan suck thumb.
Thirdly, if she is able to stand by what she says…then why has she closed down her blog? Why has she not stood by her views when faced with such harsh criticism? Such behaviour is not what a person would expect from one who is able to “standby what she says”.
But all these are just minor details….i believe the crux of the matter is with the her views themselves…we must remember that being a member of the “elite” as she so “humbly” put it…there is a possibility that she would become a member of the civil service. If I recall my English lessons, the word “service” would imply that the civil servant purpose is to exert himself for the good of society…perhaps I am being too altruistic to expect people to join the service for the purpose of serving but her post goes beyond any reasonable level of prejudice one should possibly have…woe betide those who are unable to fend for themselves should people like her flood the civil service…if the authorities are not so proactive in helping people (u do recall the case of the guy who committed suicide in the MRT and the MP saying “they stopped asking for help” and then nothing else was done do u?) then what will happen in the future…
However I believe that I have ranted and raved long enough…it is now time for me to take a break ….but before I go off I shall provide this link
http://i-speak.blogdrive.com/archive/148.html it has nothing to do with the above...but its interesting enough to warrant a read...